Measurement Group

Scopemon is configured via parameters. This reference lists all available parameters, default values, allowed values, and use examples for the measurement.


  1. 1. General
    1. 1.1. measurement_description
    2. 1.2. measurement_start_offset
    3. 1.3. reconnect_interval
    4. 1.4. robust_mode_max_cbd
    5. 1.5. user_id
  2. 2. Topology
    1. 2.1. primary_probe_hostname
    2. 2.2. primary_probe_port
    3. 2.3. use_secondary_probe
    4. 2.4. secondary_probe_hostname
    5. 2.5. secondary_probe_port
    6. 2.6. primary_probe_placement
    7. 2.7. primary_probe_interface_index
    8. 2.8. secondary_probe_interface_index
    9. 2.9. secondary_probe_placement
    10. 2.10. nat_between_probes
  3. 3. Filtering
    1. 3.1. packet_filter_mode
    2. 3.2. packet_filter
  4. 4. Senders
    1. 4.1. primary_probe_senders_pure_mac_method_enabled
    2. 4.2. primary_probe_senders_eth_mode
    3. 4.3. primary_probe_senders_eth_address_list
    4. 4.4. primary_probe_senders_ipv4_mode
    5. 4.5. primary_probe_senders_ipv4_address_list
    6. 4.6. primary_probe_senders_ipv6_mode
    7. 4.7. primary_probe_senders_ipv6_address_list
    8. 4.8. secondary_probe_senders_pure_mac_method_enabled
    9. 4.9. secondary_probe_senders_eth_mode
    10. 4.10. secondary_probe_senders_eth_address_list
    11. 4.11. secondary_probe_senders_ipv4_mode
    12. 4.12. secondary_probe_senders_ipv4_address_list
    13. 4.13. secondary_probe_senders_ipv6_mode
    14. 4.14. secondary_probe_senders_ipv6_address_list
  5. 5. Measurement Details
    1. 5.1. averaging_interval
    2. 5.2. packet_id_method
    3. 5.3. packet_loss_timer
    4. 5.4. pk_delay_threshold
    5. 5.5. pk_jitter_threshold
    6. 5.6. use_promiscuous_mode
  6. 6. QoE Averaging
    1. 6.1. use_qoe_swa
    2. 6.2. use_qoe_wma
    3. 6.3. qoe_swa_window_size
    4. 6.4. qoe_wma_weight_newest
  7. 7. Results
    1. 7.1. get_average_results
    2. 7.2. get_flow_results
    3. 7.3. get_packet_results
    4. 7.4. get_secondary_probe_average_results
    5. 7.5. use_results_distribution
    6. 7.6. results_distribution_destinations
    7. 7.7. write_average_results
    8. 7.8. write_flow_results
    9. 7.9. write_packet_results
    10. 7.10. write_absolute_results (deprecated)
    11. 7.11. write_multiple_files
    12. 7.12. write_date_code_format
    13. 7.13. write_filename_suffix
    14. 7.14. write_path

1. General #

1.1. measurement_description #

Verbose description of the measurement. This value is written to results files as metadata.

  • Type: string
  • Default: [empty]

To name this measurement “My measurement”, define this parameter as:

measurement_description=My measurement

1.2. measurement_start_offset #

Artificially delay the start of the measurement by the given time. If the value is 0, the measurement starts as soon as possible once triggered.

  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 0

To delay the start of the measurement by 1 second, define this parameter as:

This feature is used in particular scenarios and is rarely needed

1.3. reconnect_interval #

If a connection cannot be established to the primary Probe, Scopemon waits for a duration specified by this parameter and then attempts to reconnect.

  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 1000

To attempt a reconnection after 500 milliseconds, define this parameter as:


1.4. robust_mode_max_cbd #

This parameter defines the maximum connection break duration allowed in the QMCP connections related to the measurement session. If a connection break is longer than the defined value, the measurement session will end to a timeout error.

  • Unit: minutes
  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 1
  • Default: 10

To allow connection breaks of maximum of three minutes, define this parameter as:


1.5. user_id #

User ID can be used to identify a controller, i.e., the Qosium Scopemon instance in this case. You can set this freely. The set value will appear in the results, where it can be used as a parameter to find results. Thus, you can use this as you wish as an identifier for your measurement, devices, etc., in a large-scale measurement setup.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 4294967295
  • Default: 0

To set an id of 6 for this client, define this parameter as:


2. Topology #

2.1. primary_probe_hostname #

The hostname (or directly the IPv4 address) of the primary Probe. This can be omitted if the Probe is located on the same device where Scopemon is used.

  • Type: string
  • Default:

If the primary Probe is installed in another device at myhost.home, define this parameter as:


2.2. primary_probe_port #

The port number of the primary Probe. This can be typically omitted unless the port where Probe serves control connections has been changed in Probe configuration.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 65535
  • Default: 8177

If Probe is configured to serve control connections on port 9776, define this parameter as:


2.3. use_secondary_probe #

By default, measurement is performed with one Probe. With this setting, it’s possible to set a two-point measurement.

  • Values:
    • true - Perform a two-point measurement
    • false - Perform a single-point measurement
  • Default: false

To perform a two-point measurement using the Probe at and interface #4, set as follows:

If secondary Probe is not used, i.e., the measurement is a single-point one, all the secondary Probe parameters are just ignored.
Single-point measurement significantly limits the number of available measurement result types.

2.4. secondary_probe_hostname #

The hostname (or directly the IPv4 address) of the secondary Probe.

  • Type: string
  • Default:

If a secondary Probe is installed in another device at IP address, define this parameter as:

This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

2.5. secondary_probe_port #

The port number of the secondary Probe. This can be typically omitted unless the port where Probe serves control connections has been changed in Probe configuration.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 65535
  • Default: 8177

If Probe is configured to serve control connections on port 9778, define this parameter as:

This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

2.6. primary_probe_placement #

The topological placement of the primary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 10 Measurement end-point - Probe is in either one of the endpoints of the measured traffic. In other words, the device Probe is installed to is either sending or receiving the measured network traffic.
    • 100 Within measured path - Probe is not located at either one of the end-points but instead resides somewhere along the path where the measured traffic traverses.
    • 200 Off-path - Probe is not located within the measurement path at all. This is the case, e.g., when the Probe is located in a separate device where the traffic to be measured is mirrored.
  • Default: 10

2.7. primary_probe_interface_index #

This parameter defines the capture interface of the primary Probe to be used in the measurement. The interface numbering in a device is unique per Qosium installation. Thus, once Qosium Probe is installed on a device, a particular NIC will always have the same interface index. The numbering can change if Qosium Probe is removed and reinstalled.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 0

If desired the capture interface has index of 2, define this parameter as:

To see the available interfaces and their indices start Scopemon and check its log.

2.8. secondary_probe_interface_index #

This parameter defines the capture interface of the secondary Probe to be used in the measurement.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 0

If the index of the desired capture interface is 2, define this parameter as:

This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

2.9. secondary_probe_placement #

The topological placement of the secondary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 10 Measurement end-point - Probe is in either one of the endpoints of the measured traffic. In other words, the device Probe is installed to is either sending or receiving the measured network traffic
    • 100 Within measured path - Probe is not located at either one of the end-points but instead resides somewhere along the path where the measured traffic traverses
    • 200 Off-path - Probe is not located within the measurement path at all. This is the case, e.g., when the Probe is located in a separate device where the traffic to be measured is mirrored.
  • Default: 10
This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

2.10. nat_between_probes #

Qosium needs to be aware if a NATNetwork Address Translation
A technique for remapping an IP address space
occurs between Probes. If this is the case, enable this parameter.

  • Values:
    • true - There’s a NAT occurring between Probes
    • false - No NAT is occurring between Probes
  • Default: false
This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

3. Filtering #

Packet filter is one of the most important parameters, as it defines which traffic is measured. The packet filter needs to be strict enough so that no irrelevant traffic is captured. Otherwise, the results may not be useful.

3.1. packet_filter_mode #

This parameter determines the mode in which packets are filtered. In most cases, the selection is between Automatic, which generates an automatic filter, or Manual , which allows the use of a manual filter defined in packet_filter. For more information, see Packet Filters in Qosium.

  • Values:
    • 220 Manual - Packet filter is defined manually in packet_filter. In a two-point measurement, this filter is used in the secondary Probe as well.
    • 240 Automatic - Generates automatically a filter, which includes all IP traffic between the hosts (a two-point measurement) or the measurement point’s own IP traffic (a single-point measurement). The parameter packet_filter will be ignored.
    • 231 Automatic for secondary (strict) - This mode is meant for cases where a NATNetwork Address Translation
      A technique for remapping an IP address space
      is between the measurement points in a two-point measurement. The filter is set manually for the primary Probe, but Qosium generates an automatic filter for the secondary Probe. The generated filter will be strict, focusing on a single flow, so define the primary Probe filter to be strict as well.
    • 233 Automatic for secondary (light) - This mode is similar to the previous, but now a loose automatic filter is generated for the secondary Probe. A loose filter includes only addresses, so all traffic traveling between these addresses will be included. Remember to define the primary Probe’s manual filter to be loose as well.
  • Default: 240


Only end-point placements of Probes allow the Packet filter to be calculated automatically.

3.2. packet_filter #

When packet_filter_mode is Manual, use this parameter to define the filter. In addition, when using the NATNetwork Address Translation
A technique for remapping an IP address space
automatic filtering modes, the primary Probe filter is defined here.

  • Type: string
  • Default: ip

For more information, see Packet Filters in Qosium.

To enable monitoring only for UDPUser Datagram Protocol
A simple, fast, and connectionless transport protocol.
traffic going through ports 6889 or 6890, define this parameter as:

packet_filter=udp port 6889 or udp port 6890
If you are running Scopemon in Flow Monitor Measurer mode, the manual filter defined here will be overruled by the filter defined under FlowMonitorMeasurer.

4. Senders #

Sometimes it is not clear which way the traffic is traveling in the network. In these cases, you need to tell it to Qosium by defining senders manually. See Direction of Traffic and Senders under concepts section for more information what the senders mean.

In a single-point measurement, you need to define the senders manually if Probe’s placement is Off-path.

In a two-point measurement, you need to define the senders manually in the following cases:

  • If both Probes are Off-path, you need to define senders for both manually.
  • If one Probe is Off-path and the other is Within path, you need to define the senders manually for the Off-path Probe.

Otherwise, Qosium defines the senders automatically, and the following parameters in this category are ignored.

4.1. primary_probe_senders_pure_mac_method_enabled #

Determines whether the pure MAC method is used for defining primary Probe senders. When enabled, the senders are defined only based on MAC addresses and no other senders settings are required for the primary Probe.

  • Values:
    • true - Pure MAC method is used
    • false - Pure MAC method is not used
  • Default: false
This mode works only if the measured traffic contains Ethernet-like MAC addresses.

4.2. primary_probe_senders_eth_mode #

The Ethernet senders mode of the primary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 0 Auto-search - Use the Ethernet addresses of the device’s interfaces as senders.
    • 249 Manual - Input sender addresses manually.
    • 250 Inverse definition - The senders are defined according to the senders of the secondary Probe.
    • 252 Mask - Define the senders manually by using a mask instead of individual addresses.
  • Default: 0



4.3. primary_probe_senders_eth_address_list #

The manual Ethernet senders list of the local Probe. Used only when primary_probe_senders_eth_mode is set to manual or mask mode.

Example (Manual mode)


4.4. primary_probe_senders_ipv4_mode #

The IPv4 senders mode of the primary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 0 Auto-search - Use the IPv4 addresses of the device’s interfaces as senders.
    • 249 Manual - Input sender addresses manually.
    • 250 Inverse definition - The senders are defined according to the senders of the secondary Probe.
    • 252 Mask - Define the senders manually by using a network mask instead of individual addresses.
  • Default: 0


When using the Inverse definition or Pure MAC method, the Packet filter cannot be calculated automatically.

4.5. primary_probe_senders_ipv4_address_list #

The manual IPv4 senders list of the local Probe. Used only when primary_probe_senders_ipv4_mode is set to Manual or Mask mode.

Example (Mask mode)


4.6. primary_probe_senders_ipv6_mode #

The IPv6 senders mode of the primary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 0 Auto-search - Use the IPv6 addresses of the device’s interfaces as senders.
    • 249 Manual - Input sender addresses manually.
    • 250 Inverse definition - The senders are defined according to the senders of the secondary Probe.
    • 252 Mask - Define the senders manually by using a network mask instead of individual addresses.
  • Default: 0


When using the Inverse definition or Pure MAC method, the Packet filter cannot be calculated automatically.

4.7. primary_probe_senders_ipv6_address_list #

The manual IPv6 senders list of the local Probe. Used only when primary_probe_senders_ipv6_mode is set to Manual or Mask mode.

Example (Manual mode)


4.8. secondary_probe_senders_pure_mac_method_enabled #

Determines whether the pure MAC method is used for defining secondary Probe senders. When enabled, the senders are defined only based on MAC addresses and no other senders settings are required for the secondary Probe.

  • Values:
    • true - Pure MAC method is used
    • false - Pure MAC method is not used
  • Default: false
This mode works only if the measured traffic contains Ethernet-like MAC addresses.
This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

4.9. secondary_probe_senders_eth_mode #

The Ethernet senders mode of the secondary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 0 Auto-search - Use the Ethernet addresses of the device’s interfaces as senders.
    • 249 Manual - Input sender addresses manually.
    • 250 Inverse definition - The senders are defined according to the senders of the secondary Probe.
    • 252 Mask - Define the senders manually by using a network mask instead of individual addresses.
  • Default: 250


This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

4.10. secondary_probe_senders_eth_address_list #

The manual Ethernet senders list of the secondary Probe. Used only when secondary_probe_senders_eth_mode is set to manual or mask.

Example (Mask)

This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

4.11. secondary_probe_senders_ipv4_mode #

The IPv4 senders mode of the secondary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 0 Auto-search - Use the IPv4 addresses of the device’s interfaces as senders.
    • 249 Manual - Input sender addresses manually.
    • 250 Inverse definition - The senders are defined according to the senders of the secondary Probe.
    • 252 Mask - Define the senders manually by using a network mask instead of individual addresses.
  • Default: 250


When using the Inverse definition or Pure MAC method, the Packet filter cannot be calculated automatically.
This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

4.12. secondary_probe_senders_ipv4_address_list #

The manual IPv4 senders list of the secondary Probe. Used only when secondary_probe_senders_ipv4_mode is set to Manual or Mask.

Example (Manual)

This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

4.13. secondary_probe_senders_ipv6_mode #

The IPv6 senders mode of the secondary Probe.

  • Values:
    • 0 Auto-search - Use the IPv6 addresses of the device’s interfaces as senders.
    • 249 Manual - Input sender addresses manually.
    • 250 Inverse definition - The senders are defined according to the senders of the secondary Probe.
    • 252 Mask - Define the senders manually by using a network mask instead of individual addresses.
  • Default: 250


When using the Inverse definition or Pure MAC method, the Packet filter cannot be calculated automatically.
This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

4.14. secondary_probe_senders_ipv6_address_list #

The manual IPv6 senders list of the secondary Probe. Used only when secondary_probe_senders_ipv6_mode is set to Manual or Mask.

Example (Mask)

This parameter has no effect when the secondary Probe is disabled

5. Measurement Details #

5.1. averaging_interval #

Determines how often quality is measured for the ongoing measurement. Lower value gives more detailed results and consumes more resources. A higher value gives smoother values.

  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 50
  • Default: 1000
If you are seeking packet-level resolution for the statistics, do not try to do it by decreasing Averaging interval. Instead, consider using Packet QoS Statistics

To make Scopemon collect quality results twice per second (i.e., every 500 ms), define this parameter as:


5.2. packet_id_method #

This parameter defines how Probes identify packets during a measurement. The mode Automatic is the recommended one.

See Qosium Scope’s Packet Identification Method for more details of this parameter.

  • Values:
    • 10 Automatic - Qosium selects the method from the options below based on the measurement scenario.
    • 50 IPv4 ID Field - Qosium uses the Identification field in the IPv4 header for packet identification.
    • 60 RTP Sequence Number - Qosium uses the Sequence number field in the RTPReal-time Transport Protocol
      A transport protocol for applications with real-time constraints, such as video streams, VoIP, and remote control.
      header for packet identification.
    • 100 Payload-Based ID - Qosium calculates the identification based on the packet payload. If a packet has no payload, IP4 ID Field, when present, is used.
    • 110 Extended Payload-Based ID - Qosium calculates the identification based on the packet payload, including some parts of the transport layer header.
    • 120 Pure Payload-Based ID - This is a very similar method with Payload-Based ID, but packets without payload are just ignored from QoS calculation.
    • 200 NAT bypasser + Payload based ID - Operates as Payload-Based ID but with NAT bypasser functionality enabled.
    • 210 NAT Bypasser + Pure Payload Based ID - Operates as Pure Payload-Based ID but with NAT bypasser functionality enabled.
  • Default: 10



5.3. packet_loss_timer #

This parameter defines how long to wait for a packet before considering it lost. Thus, selecting a small value may cause delayed packets to be considered lost even though they would later arrive at the destination. The Automatic setup is recommended for most use cases.

  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Precision: integer
  • Special value: 0 - Automatic
  • Minimum: 1
  • Default: 0

To allow packet delay up to 2 seconds, define this parameter as:

Keep this at least on the same level as the Averaging Interval, unless you are using a long Averaging Interval (> 5 s).
If your measured application has strict delay limits that you wish to take into account in the measurement, do not try to use this parameter to turn delayed packets into packet loss. Instead, use pk_delay_threshold parameter to calculate exactly the number of packets that experience higher delay than the set threshold.

5.4. pk_delay_threshold #

Packets with a delay above this threshold are counted in QoS Statistics: Th. ex. delay pkts.

  • Precision: integer
  • Unit: microseconds
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 100000

To count packets that have a delay of 500 ms (500000 μs), define this parameter as:


5.5. pk_jitter_threshold #

Packets with a jitter above this threshold are counted in QoS Statistics: Th. ex. jitter pkts.

  • Precision: integer
  • Unit: microseconds
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 100000

To count packets that have a jitter of 100 ms (100000 μs), define this parameter as:


5.6. use_promiscuous_mode #

Promiscuous mode allows the detection of incoming traffic that is not directed to the selected network interface. This scenario is common when capturing mirrored traffic, e.g., from a switch.

  • Values:
    • true - Allow detection of all incoming traffic
    • false - Allow detection of incoming traffic destined only for this interface
  • Default: true

To disable detection of traffic not designated to the network interface, define this parameter as:


6. QoE Averaging #

When using QoE methods, it is recommended to use averaging because it resembles better how humans perceive connection quality.

6.1. use_qoe_swa #

Enable or disable sliding window averaging (SWA) for quality estimates.

  • Values:
    • true - Enable SWA
    • false - Disable SWA
  • Default: true



6.2. use_qoe_wma #

Enable or disable weighted moving averaging (WMA) for quality estimates.

  • Values:
    • true - Enable WMA
    • false - Disable WMA
  • Default: true



6.3. qoe_swa_window_size #

SWA window size.

  • Precision: Unsigned integer
  • Unit: Averaging samples
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 5



6.4. qoe_wma_weight_newest #

  • Weight of the newest sample in WMA.
  • Precision: Real number
    • Minimum: 0.0
    • Default: 0.5



7. Results #

7.1. get_average_results #

Enable reception of average results during measurement.

  • Values:
    • true - Gather average results from the primary Probe
    • false - Do not gather average results
  • Default: true
This setting was introduced in Scopemon version of>.

7.2. get_flow_results #

Enable reception of flow results during measurement.

  • Values:
    • true - Gather flow results from the primary Probe
    • false - Do not gather flow results
  • Default: false
This setting was introduced in Scopemon version of>.

7.3. get_packet_results #

Enable reception of packet results during measurement. In a single-point measurement, the results include information of every packet matching the measurement filter. In a two-point measurement, also the QoS statistics (delay and jitter) are received for every single packet matching the measurement filter.

  • Values:
    • true - Gather packet results
    • false - Do not gather packet results
  • Default: false
This setting was introduced in Scopemon version of>. A lot of results data is received when measuring traffic with a high data rate.

7.4. get_secondary_probe_average_results #

Enable reception of single-point average statistics from the secondary Probe during measurement.

  • Values:
    • true - Gather average results from the secondary Probe
    • false - Do not gather average results from the secondary Probe
  • Default: false

7.5. use_results_distribution #

Enable or disable result distribution directly from primary Probe to external result receivers.

  • Values:
    • true - Enable result distribution
    • false - Disable result distribution
  • Default: false

7.6. results_distribution_destinations #

Qosium Probe can send measurement results to additional receivers during measurement. These receivers must be running the Qosium server, such as Qosium Storage.

  • Type: Array
  • Fields:
    • address The IPv4 address of the receiver
    • port The port number of the receiver

To send Qosium results to destinations and, define this parameter as:


7.7. write_average_results #

When true, average measurement results are written in a file. The filename has the format “averages_[suffix].txt”, and new measurements are appended to the file. This setting overrides get_average_results.

  • Values:
    • true - Results are written in a file
    • false - Results are not written in a file
  • Default: false



7.8. write_flow_results #

When true, flow measurement results are written in a file. The filename has the format “flows_[suffix].txt”; new measurements are appended to the file. This data only contains the flow map detected during the measurement. This setting overrides get_flow_results.

  • Values:
    • true - Results are written in a file
    • false - Results are not written in a file
  • Default: false



7.9. write_packet_results #

When true, packet measurement results are written in a file. In the single-point measurement scenario, the filename has the format “pk_info[suffix].txt”. In a two-point measurement, two files are generated, and the filenames have the format pk_qosDL[suffix].txt and pk_qosUL[suffix].txt. Results from new measurements are appended to the file. This setting overrides get_packet_results.

  • Values:
    • true - Results are written in a file
    • false - Results are not written in a file
  • Default: false


In Scopemon versions of>, this setting also comprises the deprecated  write_absolute_results .

7.10. write_absolute_results (deprecated) #

When true, Packet QoS measurement results are written in a file. Two files are generated, and the filenames have format pk_qosDL[suffix].txt and pk_qosUL[suffix].txt, and new measurements are appended to the files.

  • Values:
    • true - Results are written in a file(s)
    • false - Results are not written in a file(s)
  • Default: false


This setting is deprecated in Scopemon versions of> and is replaced by the setting  write_packet_results .

7.11. write_multiple_files #

When true, measurement results are written to multiple files. By default, one file is created for each day. For configuring multiple file writing frequency, see write_date_code_format.

  • Values:
    • true - Results are written in multiple files
    • false - All results are written in a single file
  • Default: false


This settings has effect only when write_absolute_results, write_average_results, write_flow_results, and/or write_packet_results is set to true.

7.12. write_date_code_format #

Date code format governs the frequency of file creation when write_multiple_files. Whenever Scopemon detects a change in the date code, it automatically triggers new result files. A timestamp with this date code is then appended to the filename.

  • Type: string
  • Default: yyyyMMdd

To write results every hour, define this parameter as:


7.13. write_filename_suffix #

File suffix string when forming a filename for measurement result files.

  • Type: string
  • Default: Empty

If defined for example as “test”, filenames will begin with the suffix and underscore, e.g. averages_test.txt.

This settings has effect only when write_absolute_results, write_average_results, write_flow_results, and/or write_packet_results is set to true.

7.14. write_path #

Set to override the path where measurement result files are stored. Use / as the directory separator.

  • Type: string
  • Default: Scopemon root directory


This settings has effect only when write_absolute_results, write_average_results, write_flow_results, and/or write_packet_results is set to true.

Further Reading

Glossary >

Network Address Translation

A technique for remapping an IP address space

Wikipedia article on Network Address Translation

User Datagram Protocol

A simple, fast, and connectionless transport protocol.

Real-time Transport Protocol

A transport protocol for applications with real-time constraints, such as video streams, VoIP, and remote control.