FlowMonitorMeasurer Group

Flow Monitor Measurer has several parameters, which define how it detects the target traffic flow.

1. flowmap_interval #

Determines how often the flow map is collected. A lower value consumes more resources but is more responsive.

  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 50
  • Default: 1000
Setting this value below `200` is not advisable in production environments or regular use.

To make Scopemon collect flow results twice per second (i.e., every 500 ms), define this parameter as:


2. flow_timeout #

The duration in which a flow can remain inactive before the measurement is stopped. Setting this value too low may result in duplicate measurement for a single traffic flow. Setting this value too high results in measurement carrying unnecessarily long after the flow has ended.

  • Unit: seconds
  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 1
  • Default: 10

To set the flow timeout to 5 seconds, define this parameter as:


3. operation_mode #

Flow monitoring can be set to operate either in single flow or multi-flow mode. In single flow mode, Scopemon expects to detect a single flow at a time and create a measurement for each flow. The detection of more than 1 flow results in a warning. In multi-flow mode, Scopemon carries out a measurement as long as one or more flows are detected.

  • Values:
    • 0 Multi-flow mode - Detect and measure multiple flows
    • 1 Single flow mode - Detect and measure a single flow
  • Default: 0

To switch to single flow mode, define this parameter as:


4. probe_hostname #

The hostname of the Probe which is used for flow monitoring. This can be omitted if the Probe is located on the same device where Scopemon is used.

  • Type: string
  • Default:

If the Probe is installed in another device at IP address, define this parameter as:


5. probe_interface_index #

Capture interface for flow monitoring. Typically 0 is the default OS interface.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 0

If the capture interface index is 2, define this parameter as:


6. probe_port #

The port number of the local Probe. This can be typically omitted unless the port where Probe serves control connections has been changed in Probe configuration.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 65535
  • Default: 8177

If Probe is configured to serve control connections on port 9776, define this parameter as:


7. packet_filter #

Packet filter is one of the most important parameters, as it defines which traffic flows are measured. The packet filter needs to be strict enough so that no irrelevant flows are captured. Otherwise the application is unable to select a flow for monitoring and throws out a flow unambiguity warning. For more information, see Packet Filters in Qosium.

  • Type: string
  • Default: ip

The packet filter in this FlowMonitorMeasurer group can differ from the measurement filter. Thus, set a filter in the Measurement group as well; the same than here or one that you want to use in the measurement phase.

In versions before, the filter defined here also becomes the measurement filter when the packet_filter_mode in the Measurement group is set manual.

To enable monitoring only for UDP traffic going through ports 6889 or 6890, define this parameter as:

packet_filter=udp port 6889 or udp port 6890

8. reconnect_interval #

If a connection cannot be established to the local Probe, Scopemon waits for a duration specified by this parameter and then attempts to reconnect.

  • Unit: milliseconds
  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Default: 1000

To attempt a reconnection after 500 milliseconds, define this parameter as:


9. use_promiscuous_mode #

Promiscuous mode allows the detection of incoming traffic that is not directed to the selected network interface. This scenario is common when capturing mirrored traffic, e.g., from a switch.

  • Values:
    • true - Allow detection of all incoming traffic
    • false - Allow detection of incoming traffic destined only for this interface
  • Default: true

To disable detection of traffic not designated to the network interface, define this parameter as:


10. user_id #

User ID can be used to identify a controller, i.e., the Qosium Scopemon instance in this case. You can set this freely. The set value will appear in the results, where it can be used as a parameter to find results. Thus, you can use this as you wish as an identifier for your measurement, e.g., in a large-scale measurement setup. The User ID here applies only for the flow monitor measurement.

  • Precision: integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: ‘4294967295’
  • Default: 0

To set an id of 6 for this client, define this parameter as:


11. write_date_code_format #

Date code format governs the frequency of file creation when write_multiple_files. Whenever Scopemon detects a change in the date code, it automatically triggers new result files. A timestamp with this date code is then appended to the filename.

  • Type: string
  • Default: yyyyMMdd

To write results every hour, define this parameter as:


12. write_filename_suffix #

File suffix string when forming a filename for measurement result files.

  • Type: string
  • Default: Empty
This option has no impact when  write_flowmap_to_file  is set to  false 

If defined for example as “MyMeasurement”, the resulting filename is “flows_MyMeasurement.txt”.


13. write_flowmap_to_file #

When true, flow measurement results are written to file.

  • Values:
    • true - Results are written to file
    • false - Results are not written to file
  • Default: false



14. write_multiple_files #

When true, flow results are written to multiple files. By default, one file is created for each day. For configuring multiple file writing frequency, see write_date_code_format.

  • Values:
    • true - Results are written to multiple files
    • false - All results are written into a single file
  • Default: false
This option has no impact when  write_flowmap_to_file  is set to  false 



15. write_path #

Set to override the path where measurement result files are stored. Use / as the directory separator.

  • Type: string
  • Default: Scopemon root directory
This option has no impact when  write_flowmap_to_file  is set to  false 

