We're happy to announce the newest member to the Qosium product family: Qosium Scopemon. It automates QoS measurements to enable easy and all-time monitoring of network quality.
March 10th, 2020
Qosium measurement is based on measurement agents, Qosium Probes, that applies perfectly both to manual measurements and automated monitoring of network QoS. In fact, Qosium Probe does not care about the utilization of measurement results. It just measures as instructed by a measurement controller. Over the years, Qosium Scope has been the most common controller for Qosium measurements, targeted mainly for manual measurement and results analysis. Command-line-based Qosium Scope Lite allows, e.g., controlling measurements through scripts, but the usage has remained mainly in research activities. Qosium Scopemon fills the gap Kaitotek has had for fully automated network quality monitoring.
Qosium Scopemon carries out measurements without any human intervention and stores all measurement statistics automatically. The usage is straightforward. All you need to do is to parameterize the measurement setup to tell what applications you are especially interested in measuring and where, after which the quality monitoring takes place autonomously. A typical usage scenario is distributed, which makes it possible to monitor the quality of a large network even on a user or connection basis. Despite constant monitoring, the measurement remains light-weight. QoS measurement is online only when the applications and services of your interest exist in the network. Scopemon can make light results analysis itself, such as simple local results visualization and triggering alarms. However, the essential feature is to feed an external system (e.g., cloud service or network management system) with measurement results for persistent storage and large-scale dashboard visualization.
With detailed information about network performance, Qosium Scopemon substantially helps perceive the big picture of the communication system’s QoS. For example, when the automated network quality monitoring is taken to a user level in a large-scale critical network, Scopemon provides the missing piece to create a comprehensive real-time situation awareness of the whole network. That is to know how every single critical application works in the network. When employed in wireless networks, measurement results can be joined with location information, enabling situation awareness also to be visualized with a QoS heatmap, indicating geographical problem areas immediately.
Find more information from here.